One way to stay sane in this topsy-turvy world is to take in a balanced diet of news from differing and unrelated sources. Personally, this author visits daily the websites of NPR, Al Jazeera, Russia Today, and the Guardian. In this manner, one is exposed to various viewpoints coming from reporters working in countries around the world.
This author likes to treat his news intake the same way he treats his food intake. By ingesting a variety of foods from the plant and animal kingdom, he hopes to take in as many as possible of the trace minerals and dietary fibres his body needs to stay healthy; by consuming a variety of stories from sources with sometimes wildly different points of view, he hopes to soak up bits of valuable information his mind and soul need to stay healthy.
Filter bubbles serve primarily to confuse the mind, isolating a person from such truths as may be discoverable only by reading between the lines of multiple different websites’ news coverage. Most Westerners prefer information that agrees with their preconceived notions, perhaps out of a desire to avoid exposure to cognitive dissonance. Venture beyond the desert of informational paucity by making the effort to take in more than one news feed, today!
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥