After watching the movie ‘Exit Through The Giftshop’, I labored to become a real graffito. Stickers. Studying. Field excursions. Permanent markers. More stickers. Reconnaissance. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Now, after having watched the movie ‘The Trotsky’ (starring Jay Baruchel), I ask myself if I am going to become a real revolutionary - not just some bitchy, uppity sap who spews forth with a weak broth of political vituperation on blogs that few people read and websites that few people visit. (I shall let this last sentence as an example of the self-deprecating thought processes and the vigilant self-censorship that many economic Untermenschen in America have been trained to exhibit in order to keep themselves in a state of mental and emotional subjugation.) It matters little how many people read these writings, for it is not up to me to direct or hinder the attentions of my fellow man; such decisions are made by forces beyond our ken, and I ought be happy with whatever I receive. (Hence this ancient saying: The giver knows the fullness of life, the taker but at an empty hand.)
Now, I have the opportunity to study the relevant texts and expand upon the ideas that America’s Founders laid down for a (Marxist) communist utopia upon her shores; to emulate the thinking and draw from the rhetoric that led millions to rise up in rebellion against their czarist overlords a century ago this year; and to rouse the rabble in the defense and reclamation of the rights and privileges taken from us by elected officials who have forgotten that their mission is to work for the benefit of all Americans not to enrich their affluent friends by keeping America in a constant state of war. Should I choose to take this path, I endeavor to avoid reinventing the wheel by culling from the great political works of the past such notions and platforms as I feel will help me and those who might join this cause to create a Ynki nation where all things that government does ‘seem most likely to effect [our] Safety and Happiness‘ (Declaration of Independence). Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥