Should President Trump be impeached because he won’t relinquish ownership of his luxury resorts and golf clubs? If the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution should be at all taken seriously, Trump must be impeached. It appears, however, that the man who recently swore to defend and uphold the Constitution in its entirety has every intention of violating his oath of office.
President Trump’s unlawful behaviors are already appearing to have trickled down in the form of Alexandre Bissonnette, a white-supremacist, Caucasian terrorist who allegedly murdered six men while they were praying at their local mosque. According to various news sources, it appears that Bissonnette was inspired by the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric spewing sickly from the suckholes of fascist leaders such as France’s Le Pen and America’s Trump.
With President Trump blatantly flaunting America’s bedrock legal foundation, it should come as no surprise that his followers are doing the same, expressing their Islamophobia through both hardened boot-heels and hateful words. Why should the average citizen abide by the rule of law when the weakling occupying this nation’s highest post doesn’t, either? Why should the average citizen pay his taxes when Washington’s top mendicant doesn’t, either?
Perhaps we the American People should copy Trump’s example and do the following: stop obeying laws we don’t feel like obeying anymore; call anyone who cries foul of our incivility a liar; deride any statements that contradict our own as false news; keep heaping on the bullshit without ever admitting guilt, remorse, or compassion. Such acts would require us to stoop to his level, however, and few of us, it seems, are willing to lessen themselves to such an intolerable degree.
We still have more than one thousand, four hundred, three and one half days left in Trump’s first term. Get to it!
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑