And why should they? He is just as guilty of harboring sexual thoughts for the lass, for yearning for her company when not with her, for maintaining silly fantasies about being more than just a friend to her, for going out of his way to make her laugh, for listening to her attentively, for helping her with her schoolwork, for driving her places, and for shivering every time she bumped into him on accident. If this liesmith has learned anything about people, it is that nothing can be hid from them; all the times he could have gotten with the girl but didn't said more than words would have been able to say.
So, on this raining evening in mid May, he is still friends with the girl and her family, and with the neighbors who now hate the philandering father passionately, and, at least for the next 36 hours, he is not the lowest and most reviled person on the totem-pole. But this author's pride is intact, his heart is light, his balls are so blue that they resemble a pair of swollen plums, and he accepts the fact that he will never, ever lie with the young lady as men lie with women, and that's just the way the fucking moon rises. Argh!, then, and mahalo.
mentiri factorem fecit – 場黑麥